On the other hand, sin nature may
wish to hear, "Things have never been the same without you." I'm
happy to report that our visit Sunday to Healdsburg Community Church gave no
satisfaction to any such nasty sentiments that might reside in my soul.
We visited a few other places but by
Christmas had decided to make HCC our church home. After participating for a
number of years, I was asked to join the staff of the church on a part- time
basis. A little over two years ago, we decided to leave the church when Dean
and Andrea Kladder were called to pastor the church.
We didn't leave because we didn't
like the Kladders. They seemed to be a clear answer to our prayers for the
church. We simply believed the transition would be easier if we left, and so we
began our current adventure of a church visiting pilgrimage.
A standard element of these reports
on church visits is on visitor treatment. I'm happy to report we were greeted
quite warmly. Many people shook our hands and hugged us as if we were longtime
friends; which made sense because, you know, we are longtime friends. During
the announcements, Andrea not only greeted us but let people know where they
could sign-up for our blog posts. I wish that would happen in more churches.
Our son Bret came along for worship.
After the service we asked him what he thought. He said he appreciated that the
service was well designed and everything had a clear purpose. He also liked the
sermon (Bret is quite particular about sermons.)
I talked to Dean after the service,
and he said that he and Andrea plan sermon series in advance and craft the
sermon well ahead of Sunday (actually, they start working on sermons on Monday
morning). On this Sunday, Andrea began a series on the adverbs of Jesus with
the word, "Graciously." The text was John 8, the story of the women
caught in adultery. I appreciated the point that Jesus not only showed grace to
the woman but also to her accusers when he turned his back on them and allowed
them to exit quietly.
We had lunch with friends from the
church after the service. We asked what changes they'd noticed in the last two
years. The first word that was spoken was "energy." Everyone seemed
to agree that the place was much more vibrant than it had been for quite some
time. Everyone agreed that there were many new people, though the exact
percentage of the congregation that was new (25%, 40%, 50%) was a subject of
debate. Everyone appreciated the young families with children in tow. (Dean and
Andrea are rather young themselves, in their early 30's with a young daughter
and a second child to come in just a few weeks.)
Another outreach in the church is to
the people of the small nation of Guinea-Bissau in western Africa. One of the
church members, Rich Kagel, felt a burden for the people of this poor country.
A chemist, he began to research ways to provide clean water, a great need. The
church has adopted the nation as well and is looking to do a missions trip
there in the spring of 2016.
Somehow, Healdsburg Community Church
is not only carrying on without us, but seems to be thriving. And I'm okay with
-- Dean
Snacks: coffee, tea, hot chocolate, water, lemonade, various cookies and breads, fruit, and a garden produce sharing table (surprisingly, no zucchini) on the patio just outside the main entrance
Service Length: 1 hour 10 minutes
Sermon Length: 20 minutes
Visitor Treatment: We were warmly welcomed (see above). Several people in the congregation (as well as the pastors) make it a priority to greet first time visitors soon after they come in. There is a brief greeting time early in the worship service, and "friendship pads" are passed down each aisle so that regulars and visitors can register their attendance and, when desired, request follow-up from the church
Followup by Tuesday Morning: we had lunch with one of the pastors on Sunday
Our Rough Count: 110
Probable Ushers' Count: 125
Musicians: keyboard (male for songs, female as accompanist for the flute solo), acoustic guitar (male),
bass (male)
electric guitar (male), female vocalist, flute solo (female)
Songs: Come to Me (prelude by worship band)
Blessed be Your Name
Your Grace is Enough
Alleluia (The Lord God Almighty Reigns)
In the Garden (flute solo)
Communion Hymn
Miles to place: 12
Total California Miles: 12,093
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