During that time I was thinking
about what I'd write this week, considering, "I could write, 'A certain
challenge comes with this project of visiting churches with the expressed intent
of writing...'" In fact, I even thought about how I could use this
repetition. I really should stop before I get us into a temporal loop from
which we can't escape.
The purpose of services in a variety
of languages is usually quite clear. There were attendees in the Spanish
service we attended two weeks ago that only understand Spanish, just as there
were attendees in last week's Korean service that only understand that
But I'm certain that there was no
one in Sunday's service who understands only Latin, certainly not the priest
conducting the service. When he read Scripture and made a few remarks in
English, he had a southern, perhaps Texan or Oklahoman, accent and sounded
rather like a radio preacher (stretching out words like
Another reason to conduct worship in
a language other than the one dominant in the community at large is the idea of
"worship languages" (mentioned here).
People often prefer to worship in the way they worshiped when they were young
or when they first came to faith. So just as someone might prefer the hymns of
their youth, they may enjoy worshiping in the language they used when they were
There are a number of Catholics who believe the traditional Latin
mass is somehow better than a mass in their native language, but I had a hard
time in quick research discerning why they would believe this. There are some
who simply argue that the Latin is more beautiful.
And there certainly was beauty in
some of the Latin chants and songs in the service. The priest would chant and
there would be a response from a small group of nuns in the balcony (they were
right behind my back, and at the beginning of the service I thought the choir
was a recording). There certainly was an ethereal quality to their singing.
But most languages can sound
beautiful, at least to their native speakers, so why pick Latin?
The priest did causally refer to the
value of the Latin mass because the words on the cross were written in Latin.
But according to Luke 23: 38, the inscription "This is the King of the
Jews" was written in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. So why is the service in
only one of those languages? There is a bit of Greek in the service,
"Kyrie Eleison" (for
you Mister Mister fans) but no Hebrew that I noticed.
I was also put off a little by all
the pomp and circumstance surrounding the Lord's Table. Philistine that I am, I
kept thinking of the scene in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"
where Indy chooses the correct cup as the Holy Grail, because it is the most
simple one, one that might have been used by a carpenter's son. All the
vestments and procedures used to get to the bread and the cup to the faithful
make your average Rube Goldberg device seem straightforward.
There were a number of other
elements of the High Mass that I had never experienced. There was the Asperges,
the sprinkling of Holy Water on the altar, the clergy and the congregation.
This is a representation of the cleansing of sin (Psalm 51 is often used in
this part of the service) and I appreciated this part of the service (as a
Christian and -- more sadly -- as a fan of vampire lore).
There was also use of incense. As a
protestant, I'm sometimes a little bothered by the fact that our tradition
ignores Scriptural passages such as Psalm 141:2: "May my prayer be set
before you like incense" (that symbolism is lost on us non-papists, but
not on Catholics).
During the service, up until the
time of communion, I noticed people going in and out of the confessionals. And
most (but not all) of the women and girls in the service wore head coverings
(as did Mindy, who didn't want to go all Michelle Obama in Saudi Arabia on the
service). Lace for head covering was available in the same basket that held the Latin-English and Latin-Spanish booklets.
We appreciated, during the
Diocese Pledge Drive, a testimonial from a seminarian about his training. He
spoke of the four pillars of their 6 - 7 years of training, the Intellectual,
the Spiritual, the Pastoral and the Human (learning about their individual strengths
and weaknesses). He seemed like a good guy and the Church is blessed to have
men and women willing to devote their lives to the service of the Kingdom.
Service Length: 1 hour 30 minutes
Sermon Length: no sermon, as the priest announced, but the Diocese Pledge break was about ten minutes
Visitor Treatment: no acknowledgement of visitors
Our Rough Count: 70
Probable Ushers' Count: 95
Snacks: none
Songs: Before Mass began, the nuns in the balcony sang "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" (in English). Much of the Mass was sung or chanted (in Latin), but we didn't note which songs they were.
Miles to place: 7 miles
Total California Miles: 4561 miles
-- Dean
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