
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Vacation Bible School - Hope Evangelical Free Church, Wilton, CT

One of the strangest phrases in the English language is "Vacation Bible School." What kid wants to go to school during vacation? When people think of school, they often think of public schools which certainly aren't teaching the Bible. And the acronym VBS sounds a bit like a disease.

Despite the name, I love Vacation Bible Schools. A Vacation Bible School in the Larkfield Shopping Center introduced my family to the church we attended for years. I began volunteering for Vacation Bible School in high school and have volunteered many more years than not since then.

For some parents, VBS is an economical form of day care. For some kids, the snacks and skits and water fights have brought refreshment from summer boredom. And for not an inconsequential number of people, it has introduced them to Jesus, to the Living God.

Therefore, we were delighted to have an opportunity to visit a VBS in Connecticut, even if just for opening day. Hope EFC's VBS this year follows Joseph's life, and we were happy to go back to Egypt.

The decorations were simple but fun and creative. The students leading the singing were enthusiastic. The storytelling from "citizens of Egypt" was thought provoking and fun. The snacks (separate snacks for adults and kids) were tasty. And the craft project of spray dyed T-shirts was just the right amount of messy.

I'm a little jealous of those who could spend a whole week in Egypt. Maybe next year.

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